Jiangsu CAS-IGBT Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech Sino-foreign joint venture focusing on the research and development of new power electronic chips such as IGBT and FRD. The company was established at the end of 2011, relying on the scientific research team and R&D platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, combined with domestic and overseas technical elites and professional market management teams.

JUNSHINE Nabarmendutako produktuak


Eskertzen dugu Chipsmallko produktu eta zerbitzuekin duten konpromisoa. Axola zaigu zure iritzia! Mesedez, har iezadazu une bat hurrengo formularioa osatzeko. Bere iruzkin baliotsuek bermatzen dute merezi duen aparteko zerbitzua etengabe eskaintzen dugula. Eskerrik asko bikaintasunerako gure bidaiaren parte izateagatik.