First Semicon

As an internationally renowned semiconductor products and solutions provider, over the years, the first SEM I have been focused in semiconductor product and its series solution scheme of R & D and manufacturing, to integrated circuits and electronic discrete devices industry, from the chip research and development to product packaging, testing, the first semi with its strong R & D investment and scientific research strength, the rapid growth of the industry outstanding semiconductor companies, is recognized as the semiconductor industry's most innovative one of Sony.

First Semicon Nabarmendutako produktuak


Eskertzen dugu Chipsmallko produktu eta zerbitzuekin duten konpromisoa. Axola zaigu zure iritzia! Mesedez, har iezadazu une bat hurrengo formularioa osatzeko. Bere iruzkin baliotsuek bermatzen dute merezi duen aparteko zerbitzua etengabe eskaintzen dugula. Eskerrik asko bikaintasunerako gure bidaiaren parte izateagatik.